Bula Namaste!!

We are a research group based at the UNSW Mathematics and Statistics. Our aim is develop and apply novel artificial intelligence methods to multi-disiplinary areas that includes science, engineering, and humanities.

Our research encircling methodologies and applications of artificial intelligence. The methodologies include deep learning, ensemble learning, Bayesian deep learning, neuro-evolution, and data augmentation. The applications include climate extremes, geoscientific models, mineral exploration, biomedicine, natural language processing, and COVID-19. We pioneered the area of language models for studying ancient religious-philosophical texts. We machine learning and remote sensing for mineral exploration, and is currently focusing on critical metals. We use deep learning for climate extremes and currently developing a model for decadal forecasts of high category cyclones. Our COVID-19 research focuses on drug re-pourposing, infection forecasting, and social media-based language modelling.

We are grateful for collaboration with ARC-ITTC Data Analytics in Resources and Minerals UNSW Data Science Hub and the Geocoastal Research Group - University of Sydney, and EarthByte Group - University of Sydney.

We are looking for passionate new research students, research interns, and collaborators to join the team. (More info about current and open projects.)


Transitional Artificial Intelligence Research Group (t~ai) aims to train the next generation of scientists, philosophers and technologists for humanity. We need to break down the barriers between science, arts and humanities with innovations in artificial intelligence.


t~ai was created at UNSW School of Mathematics and Statistics in January 2020 by Dr Rohitash Chandra. The group was envisioned in 2019 with research activies at the Centre of Translational Data Science - University of Sydney in collaboration with EarthBye and Geocoastal Research Group. The group has transitioned from the Artificial Intelligence and Cybernetics Research Group at Software Foundation (Fiji) and University of the South Pacific, Fiji (2013 - 2015). Since then, we have been actively recruiting research students and interns who have shaped the course of our research - and enabled the development of novel methodologies and applications.